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From Martin's shed to Labská and back



Enjoy the feeling of free movement in the embrace of quiet mountain nature, unspectacular views, the hospitality of Krkonoše mountain huts, and at the same time the excitement of downhill skiing.

starting point | Martin's shed
Martin's hut, standing at an altitude of 1,288 m below the Czech-Polish border ridge, offers its visitors breathtaking mountain views, accommodation in the silence of nature and, above all, a strategic place for hikes to the surroundings, Pramen Elbe, Labská bouda, Sněžné jámy, Sněžka,... Martinovka is one of the oldest historic huts in the Giant Mountains.
It was built in 1642 as a farm building, and only in 1879 was it transformed into a modest inn. During the 20th century, it underwent construction modifications, and the inn became a mountain hotel popular among prominent Czech personalities and filmmakers. Interestingly, the world-famous tennis player Martina Navrátilová spent her childhood here.
Elbe shed

The key point on your route stands at an altitude of 1340 m and is a popular spot for tourists heading towards the source of the Elbe. The history of the place dates back to 1830, when an enterprising woman, die Blasse, built a booth here and sold goat products, milk and brandy. The authorities didn't like that, they kicked the woman out and built a small inn here themselves. Later owners, among them Count Jan Harrach, expanded the original building and in 1904 the first nature reserve in the Giant Mountains was established here. The modern nine-storey iron and steel building from 1975 bears the same name as the original inn, which burned down here in 1965. The Labská bouda now offers its visitors both accommodation and hospitality. In winter, you will also find a Mountain Service station here.

Elbe mine

Next, the route continues through Labský dol, following the blue marker, where you will be able to enjoy the wonderful views and gradually descend to Dvorské potok.

End of route

After reaching Patejdlová bouda, the route turns back, following the green sign, to Martinová bouda, where your trip takes on a full experience.

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