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Outdoor & indoor activities


You will not be bored in Špindlerův Mlýn

The topography and unfettered nature offer unforgettable sports, adrenaline, tourist and relaxation experiences. Rest days with us will be appreciated by demanding athletes, adventurers, gourmets of peace and relaxation, as well as families with children.


Outdoor activities

In the glow of the sun's rays

It would be a sin not to take advantage of the wonderful weather and stay indoors while there are so many opportunities to play outside. Fresh air and warm sun rays tempt you outside, what then? Here are tips for interesting outdoor activities that Špindlerův Mlýn, the most famous winter resort, offers throughout the year.

Indoor activities

Where the weather can't do anything

When it's raining or cold when it's not tempting to go outside, it's best to stay indoors. And for those moments, we'll show you rest, relaxation and indoor sports that will have so much fun that you won't want the bad weather to end.


What is happening in Špindlerův Mlýn.

Something is always happening in Špindlerův Mlýn. Take a look at our calendar of events and combine your vacation with a cultural, sports or social event that the city lives by all year round.

Sports enthusiasts will come to their senses mainly in winter , where you will meet world sports leaders such as Mikaela Shiffrinová , the Olympic champion in alpine skiing from Sochi, one of the best Czech athletes Ester Ledecká, Eva Adamczyková in snowboarding and many other famous names who experienced their first successes here in Špindlerův Mlýn.

Cultural and social events take place from spring to autumn. At the beginning of spring, with the arrival of Easter, there is Easter fun , which includes the Green Spindle , the Krkonoše Mountains need to be cleaned after winter. Summer will begin with the Spindle Pilgrimage and Miller's Wanderings , which are very popular with children and adults alike. September days bring a good wind to the city and that is the right time for real autumn fun with kites in the air - Drakiáda na Medvědín . The Honey Festival , a craft fair, is very popular, when Špindlerův Mlýn and its surroundings immerse themselves in the colorful fairy tale of autumn leaves.

Spindle Unplugged

All summer during your vacation, listen to music every Saturday afternoon in the city park, which will provide you with pleasant shade and the opportunity to enjoy pleasant moments of relaxation to the fullest.


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