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Conquer the most beautiful gems of the Giant Mountains

Like every mountain town, Špindlerův Mlýn has its highlights, we would like to introduce you to some of them.

To visit Špindlerův Mlýn and not hike to the Queen of the Mountains Sněžka, the highest peak in the Czech Republic, or not to discover Pramen Elbe? As if you weren't even in the Giant Mountains. Furthermore, we must not forget the Elbe Dam, a charismatic lady who is the first to greet you upon arrival at Špindlerův Mlýn. It belongs to the technical monuments of the city together with the White Bridge, the dominant feature of the local square, which has been connecting the left and right banks of the Elbe River for more than 100 years.

Discover a treasury full of jewels in the form of famous views and unforgettable experiences.

Sněžka, Queen of the Krkonoše Mountains


Sněžka , this distinctive landmark of the Krkonoše Mountains - a stone pyramid modeled by a glacier - is a popular destination for mountain hikes. Already from a distance you can see several buildings at the top, one of which is the round chapel of St. Vavřinec from 1665, an unmissable Polish meteorological station and the Anežka Czech Post Office, you can send your view of the world directly from the top of Sněžka. Early morning or night ascents to the very top of the mountain are very popular, from where you can see the wonderful and dramatic spectacle of sunrise and sunset.

The Elbe River travels 1,154 km from the Giant Mountains to the Black Sea.


The Elbe River inherently belongs to Špindlerův Mlýn. Whether it is its source , where an important trade route passed even in the 16th century, together with a stone wall with the coats of arms of the cities through which the river flows on its way to the sea, or the Elbe Waterfall falling through the Elbe Gorge into the Elbe Mine , through which the Elbe River meanders all the way to Špindlerův The mill thus enriches and brings life to the surrounding nature. You can appreciate the beauty of Labské dol in the summer on hot days, but in the winter, cross-country skiers love it when they run around on their skis.


The topography of Špindlerův Mlýn allows for an abundance of journeys and trips along the Giant mountains for unique views and scenery that our highest mountains reveal to their visitors. Let your thoughts flow freely and become, at least for a moment, a part of the local nature, which will caress your soul.

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