
Winter sports in Špindlerův Mlýn

Winter vacation in motion

Discover the magic of winter white flakes!

Get outside and enjoy a beautiful winter day. Prepared slopes, freshly ridden tracks, crunchy snow and lots of fun await you. Take your sleds and go down the nearest hill or use the groomed toboggan run from the top of the mountains. Build a snowman, go on a ski hike or just take a walk.

A wide range of services and rental offices await you with experts behind the counters who will be happy to advise you and, if necessary, provide additional equipment. Together with guides and ski instructors, you can boldly start trying out a new discipline.


Skiing and snowboarding

Come and enjoy skiing in five areas - Svatý Petr, Medvědín, Hromovka, Horní Mísečky and Labská. 27 km of ski slopes , 6 cable cars, 11 ski lifts and 3 snow parks. The ski area offers tracks of varying difficulty and slopes with artificial snow cover in case of bad weather. In addition, you can comfortably enjoy all the lifts with a single ski pass, and a regular ski bus line transports you between the areas.

Cross country

For winter beauty in the Krkonoše mountains, it is best to cross-country ski.

Get to know well-known tourist spots under a snow-white blanket and enjoy the view of the snow-covered Krkonoše Mountains. Whether you choose to stay in the city or hit the cross-country trails on the mountaintops, there's a trail and an unforgettable snow-covered mountain experience waiting for you.

Ski touring

Eight ski mountaineering routes are accessible in the Krkonoše Mountains, which lead mainly along marked tourist routes, but also outside them. You can find them in the vicinity of Peca pod Sněžkou, Špindlerova Mlýn and Rokytnice nad Jizerou.

Trips in the snow

Do you love winter nature, frozen waterfalls, crunching snow, and a peaceful calm everywhere, like in a fairy tale? Get inspired by one of the trips and go on a winter adventure.

Other activities and experiences

In winter, you can find many non-skiing activities in the city and its surroundings, during which you can have fun, relax, play sports and take away unforgettable experiences.


Rentals and services

You can't do it without equipment!

Visit one of the rental shops and choose skis, ski alpines or snowboards from a wide range, the staff will be happy to advise you. It goes without saying that you can use the service to keep your equipment in top condition.

Ski buses

In winter, Špindlerův mlýn offers all visitors transport by ski bus. Ski buses connect individual city districts with the Hromovka ski area, Sv. Petr, Medvědín and Labská.

shipping - FREE

Ski schools

No scholar has fallen from the sky, which is why a number of ski schools operate in Špindlerův Mlýn. Whether you or your children have never stood on skis and intend to start, or if you want to fine-tune your style to perfection, the professional instructors here will take care of you.


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