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Information to download


Tourist printed materials are still popular with tourists of all age groups, whether they are maps or an information guide that advises, shows and guides you to your favorite destination. Among the printed materials, you will also find timetables for tourist cycle buses that help you travel around the Krkonoše Mountains. You can find all these materials in our Tourist Information Center, where we will be happy to advise you.

If you want to save nature, we offer a downloadable version in electronic form. Here you will find a map of Špindlerův Mlýn, a summer or winter brochure with an offer of what you can discover and experience in Špindlerův Mlýn. The sought-after Tourist Newspaper with a large map of the Krkonoše mountains, many tips for trips and other news in the Krkonoše region.


activities, places of interest, tourist destinations

summer information
Guide to WINTER

activities, places of interest, tourist attractions

winter information
Map of the town of Špindlerův Mlýn

city map

Krkonoše Guide
- where to bike, where to go on a trip, tourist newspapers, in the footsteps of Krakonoše, beer trail
- maps of ski areas, cross-country skiing, skitouring

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