

Every season offers an unforgettable experience

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Get inspired by Špindlerův Mlýn

Welcome to Špindlerův Mlýn, where every season opens the door to unforgettable experiences in the heart of the Giant Mountains. Discover a winter fairy tale on the slopes, the awakening of nature in spring, a summer adventure on mountain trails or autumn relaxation in the colorful embrace of forests. Špindlerův Mlýn welcomes you with open arms, offering not only adrenaline sports, but also quiet moments for rest and regeneration. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the mountains, enjoy the local gastronomy and let yourself be inspired by the unique atmosphere of this place. Your unforgettable experience begins here, in Špindlerův Mlýn, where tradition meets modern hospitality.

Rest and active vacation in harmony with nature

In Špindlerův Mlýn, where nature and an active lifestyle intertwine, you will find an ideal environment for the regeneration of spirit and body. This mountain resort at the source of the Elbe River offers a unique combination of relaxation and adrenaline, surrounded by breathtaking natural scenery. Explore a wide variety of hiking and biking trails that offer breathtaking views and quiet spots for meditation or picnicking.

Afterwards, let yourself be pampered in the wellness centers that offer massages, saunas and other relaxing treatments. Špindlerův Mlýn is also home to first-class restaurants where you can sample local specialties and recharge your batteries for the next adventure. Combining the comfort of modern accommodation facilities with endless opportunities to explore, this place is the perfect retreat for anyone looking for relaxation in harmony with nature and at the same time yearning for an active lifestyle.

Adventure awaits | Adrenaline and fun

In the heart of the Giant Mountains Špindlerův Mlýn opens the door to unforgettable adventures for the young and active. From downhill skiing and snowboarding in the winter to mountain biking, trekking and paragliding in the warmer months. Add to that adrenaline parks and rope centers to test your courage and skills. Discover the nightlife full of social events, concerts and festivals that bring the city to life all year round. Špindlerův Mlýn is your partner for an active holiday, where every day promises new excitement, all in harmony with nature.

Family comfort in Špindlerův Mlýn

Špindlerův Mlýn is an ideal place for families with children who are looking for moments spent together full of fun and discoveries. It offers a variety of activities adapted for the smallest adventurers and their parents. From winter fun on slopes and cross-country trails to summer hiking trips on mountain trails to magical moments spent in nature or visiting local attractions. Enjoy family vacations in the rhythm of adventures spent together, in harmony with nature and with a wide range of activities that Špindlerův Mlýn has prepared just for you and your children.


What our guests say

Je mnoho krásných míst na světě, ale Krkonoše jsou jenom jedny. Nejkrásnější hory ze všech.

Anna a Vladimír z Harty

Česká republika

I was here and I must say that this city is very beautiful! :) The nature as well. I like coming here every year.....

Anthony Pear

Spojené království

Uns gefällt es hier sehr gut. Endlich können wir nach Herzenlust wandern. Wir werden gerne wiederkommen Es grüßen.

Ines und Kunt


Ahooj, byli jsme tu poprvé. Počasí nám sice moc neepřálo, ale i tak jsme si to tu moc užili. Nádherné okolí, milí lidé a skvělé turistické trasy. Určitě sem ještě vrátíme, až nebude sníh, abychom se dostali k cílům, kam jsme nemohli přes sněhovou nadílku. Tak zase příště

Lída a Jirka

Česká republika

Jsme důchodci z Prahy 4. Výlet se nám vydařil, krásné počasí, vše se nám líbilo, jsme rádi, že jsme to stihly. (jsme jen baby) Mějte se tady hezky a ať se vše udržuje pro mladou generaci.


Česká republika

Jsme celoživotní obdivovatelé Krkonoš. Jsou krásné v létě i v zimě. Máme rádi Špindlerův Mlýn, jsme tu již po šesté.

Květa a Dušan z Prahy

Česká republika

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