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Parking in Špindlerův Mlýn

Parking in Špindlerův Mlýn varies depending on the season, with each season bringing its own specific rules and options. While the winter months require extra preparation due to the ski season, the summer season offers more freedom with regard to parking spaces. Whether you're planning to visit during warm summer days or snowy winter, it's important to know your options.

Central municipal parking lots



Current number of vacancies


+420 731 658 183
non-stop, parking machine
1.5 km from the city center (20 min.)
Long-term standing



Current number of vacancies


+420 731 658 183
non-stop, parking machine
0.3 km from the city center (5 min.)
bus Špindlerova bouda



Current number of vacancies


+420 731 658 183
non-stop, parking machine
1 km from the city center (15 min.)
bus Špindlerova bouda



+420 731 658 183
non-stop, parking meter
Right in the city center
1 h - 50 CZK, 2 h - 100 CZK, 3 h - 200 CZK


Bobsleigh track

+420 731 658 183
non-stop, parking meter
1 km from the city center (15 min.)
1 h - 30 CZK, 2 h - 60 CZK, 3 h - 100 CZK

Municipal parking areas

Smaller parking areas with parking machines. Smaller car parks with machines are available for visitors looking for short-term parking in the city centre.

Parking map

Who manages the local car park

All city parking areas are managed by Špindlerův Mlýn City Services, which ensure their quality and safety. Regardless of the time of year you visit Špindlerův Mlýn, it's important to be informed about the available parking options so you can enjoy everything this beautiful mountain town has to offer.

Private packing areas


Bus Terminal

+420 499 422 112
0.3 km from the city center (5 min.)
suitable for buses



+420 499 422 112
Right in the city center
1 h - 80 CZK, 5-24 h - 380 CZK

Parking spaces

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