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Museum of Bricks



The Cube Museum in Špindlerův Mlýn is a paradise for all LEGO® lovers. Spread over an area of 270 m², there are more than 1,000 original LEGO® models, which include representations of local attractions such as the Svatý Petr ski area, Spindleruv Mlyn Square and the White Bridge. The exhibition is not only a visual experience, but also an educational journey into the history and development of the LEGO® brand, revealing interesting facts, including its wooden beginnings.

Experience the magic of LEGO® at the Museum of Bricks

There is a special children's corner for families with children, as well as for adults who want to remember childhood moments. Building with LEGO® bricks is an activity that brings generations together, which is why our exhibition offers experiences for visitors of all ages.

Not only can you view the stunning models, but you can also purchase the current kits in our shop, which is part of the museum. Here you will find limited sets and exclusive products that are hard to find in the Czech Republic. The store is an ideal place for minifigure collectors and those looking for spare parts to complete their collections.

The Kostek Museum is a unique place where the history and present of LEGO® come alive in one of the most beautiful mountain resorts of the Czech Republic. Come and be enchanted by the world of LEGO® in Špindlerův Mlýn!


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