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Ski alpine route from Medvědí Kolene



The two-way route offers the flexibility to explore the hidden beauties of the mountain range with the possibility of combining with other tourist marked routes. A steeper, more demanding climb along the forest between mountain huts, but the reward for you is the descent, freedom and a feeling of freedom.

Start at Bear's Knee

From Medvědí kolene climb through the forest following the green tourist sign, direction Medvědí bouda.

The bear shed, except for the Brádler sheds

After reaching the Bear Hut, you can visit for a small or large treat, continue following the yellow tourist sign that will take you to the picturesque Brádler huts.

Bird rocks over the blue marker

From Brádler's huts, change the yellow markings to blue and continue in the forest hidden by the fascinating Bird Stones. The rock lookout, at an altitude of 1,310 m, reveals the most beautiful views of the western part of the Giant Mountains.

The footpath under Moravská bouda

The less than 1 km long footpath below Moravská bouda will offer you a quieter part of the journey before you start the descent through the quiet mountain nature.

Downhill to David's hut and back

Follow the yellow sign to David's shed, from there it's up to you which of the routes you choose: the blue sign (Skolní cesta) to Medvědí bouda. From Medvědí bouda, you can follow the green sign down to Medvědí kolen or continue along another path of your choice.

Safety Warnings:
Watch out for the Bear Creek area due to possible snow drifts and avalanche danger. Always follow the current avalanche news and be prepared to change your route.

This ski mountaineering route offers a unique combination of beautiful views, physical challenges and opportunities to explore lesser-known parts of the Giant Mountains. Whichever option you choose, an unforgettable experience in harmony with nature awaits you. Remember that safety comes first, so always plan with current weather conditions and avalanche reports in mind. We wish you a safe journey and unforgettable experiences on the Medvědí Kolene ski alpine route.

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