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Špindlerův Mlýn and the Krkonoše jewels



This ski mountaineering route takes you to the heart of the Giant Mountains and reveals some of the most beautiful corners of Špindlerův Mlýn and its surroundings. The route is intended for experienced ski alpinists who are looking for adventure in the arms of nature, while also being aware of the challenges that the mountain environment brings.

Starting point: Špindlerův Mlýn

From Špindlerův Mlýn, follow the yellow tourist sign, Dřevařská cesta, in the direction of Bouda Bílého Labe.

Weber's way
After reaching the White Elbe Hut, continue along the blue hiking trail, Weber's path, through the White Elbe valley, which is known for its wild beauty, but also for its dangerous and treacherous sections.
We recommend checking the warnings of the Mountain Service, Špindlerův Mlýn.
Meadow shed
You continue along the Bílá Labe river, a blue tourist sign, and Luční bouda gradually rises in front of you.
Luční bouda, the largest and oldest Krknoše hut, located at the intersection of several old routes near the Polish border at an altitude of 1,410 m in the middle of the rare Bílá luka. During its history, it has gone through glory, fame and misery... nowadays it is in the hands of private individuals who are trying to restore its charisma.
Old Bukhara Road

From Luční bouda, you will follow the red-marked Stará Bucharova path, which will take you to Grouse Trough. This section is known for its steep terrain and breakaway zone, so you need to be extra careful.

The final stretch

After leaving the trough, you continue along Buchach's path to the Svatý Petr valley, where your route ends.

Safety notice

The route contains several technically demanding and potentially dangerous sections, especially through the Bílý Elbe valley and the Grouse trough. It is essential to respect the current avalanche information and the weather. Always move with a partner and inform someone of your planned route.

Experiences on the Route:
  • Buda U Bílého Labe: An ideal place for a short stop and refreshments.
  • Luční Bouda: It offers not only refreshments, but also breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.
  • Old Bukhara Road: A historic road with wonderful views and natural scenery.

This route is a great choice for experienced ski alpinists who want to explore the beauty of the Giant Mountains through the winter landscape. Remember that safety always comes first - prepare thoroughly and respect the mountains.

Route map

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