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Cycle route | Špindlerův Mlýn – Spring of Elbe – Špindlerův Mlýn



Go on a discovery ride from Špindlerův Mlýn to Prameni Elbe and back. This challenging 12 km cycle route will take you through the beauty of the Krkonoše Mountains with a total elevation gain of 768 meters. The route starts in the center of Špindlerův Mlýn near the White Bridge, from where you can go along cycle path No. K1A known as the Waterway or alternatively follow cycle path No. K12 around Medvědín. Then continue through Horní Mísečky to the Vrbatá bouda, followed by the Labská bouda, from where a short walk to Prameni Labe itself awaits you. After a well-deserved rest and admiring the natural beauty, you return to Špindlerův Mlýn by the same route.


Center Š.M. (Bílý most 712 m above sea level) – cycle route No. K1A (Waterway) or cycle route No. K12 (around Medvědín) – Horní Mísečky (1,020 m above sea level) – cycle route No. K13 – Masarykova silnice – Vrbatova bouda (1,390 m above sea level) – Labská bouda - on foot 1.5 km Pramen Elbe (1,387 m above sea level) - back Š.M.

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