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Scooters in Špindlerův Mlýn



In Špindlerův Mlýn, you can choose from many adrenaline-pumping activities, including riding a scooter. It acquires a completely new dimension in the mountain environment. Whether you prefer a fast descent on a road scooter, an off-road adventure or a comfortable trip on an e-scooter, you'll find it all here. Špindlerův Mlýn offers a complete package of services - equipment rental including transportation and the possibility of being guided by an instructor. This activity is suitable for individuals, groups and families with children. It provides a wonderful opportunity to explore the beauty of Špindlerův Mlýn from a different perspective.

Road scooters

One of the most popular scooter routes is the 10 km long descent from Špindlerův bouda. You can choose the option with export from the center or rent a scooter at Špindlerův bouda during your return from a mountain hike. The descent is suitable for adults and children from 6 years old. Enjoy an unforgettable trip with your family full of adrenaline fun and beautiful views.

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Terrain scooters

Downhill on an all-terrain scooter is the real adrenaline experience. You will take the cable car to Medvědín, from where a dynamic descent awaits you on slopes as well as forest and asphalt roads. This activity is available with complete equipment and, on request, accompanied by an instructor who will ensure a safe and fun ride.

Electric scooters/bikes/E-GranTour

Electric scooters, bikes and strollers are ideal for those who want to enjoy a relaxing ride and explore the surrounding nature and hidden corners of Špindlerův Mlýn without excessive effort. This option is great for family outings or as a relaxing activity after a busy day.

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