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Tourist cross-country trails - Pláň


Discover the magic of winter on more than 20 kilometers of cross-country trails in the picturesque area of Pláň in Špindlerův Mlýn. The routes offer wonderful views and connect key points of the region, including the Krásná Pláň crossroads, the U srubu intersection and the upper station of the popular Svatý Petr – Pláň cable car. For lovers of cross-country skiing, the gate opens to a winter paradise, which leads in the direction of Strážné, Janské Lázně, Pec pod Sněžkou to the highest points such as Sněžka, Výrovka or Černá hora.

Recommended circuit: For those who want an unforgettable experience, we recommend the route Pláň - Stoh - Klínovy bouda - Výrovka - Luční bouda - Sněžka and back. This circuit will allow you to explore some of the most beautiful corners of the Krkonoše Mountains and feel the magic of the snow-capped mountains for yourself.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced cross-country skier, the trails in the Pláň area are the ideal choice for anyone who wants to enjoy winter to the fullest. Go cross-country skiing and let yourself be carried away by the magic of winter nature in one of the most beautiful corners of the Czech Republic.1

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