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A walk between the huts above Špindlerův Mlýn



If you love nature, but long hikes are not for you, we have prepared a tip for an unforgettable trip. The "Boudy nad Špindlerův Mlýnem" route is an ideal choice for anyone who wants to experience the beauty of the Krkonoše Mountains without the need to complete a demanding long-term expedition. The route is 14 km in total and can be completed comfortably in around 4.5 hours, making it an excellent day trip.

Start from the bus station / bus to Špindlerův bouda (1,200 m above sea level)

From the center of Špindlerův Mlýn by bus to Špindlerův bouda. This is the starting point of your hiking tour, where you can freshen up for the last time before the ascent.

Peter's shed (1,280 m above sea level)

A short stop where you can admire the surrounding nature and gain strength for the next part of the journey.

Peter's hut has been a stop for passing tourists since 1887. In earlier times, it was a popular place for tourists looking for a place to stay or just some refreshment. The entire building burned down in 2011, and a devastating fire left only a part of the perimeter walls in place. Reconstruction began in 2016 and today this iconic shed is once again standing and in use. At present, the building serves only as an accommodation facility and shelter.

Girl's and Man's stones (1,400 m above sea level)

Head to these iconic points and enjoy unforgettable views of the Krkonoše valley. From the male stones, walk to the Černé sedlo signpost, where you will follow the blue path towards Martin's hut.

Border crossing Martinova bouda/Czarna Przelecz - Křižovatka, where the red and blue hiking trails intersect. Red: The path of Czech-Polish friendship continues to Sněžné Jamy to Voská and is part of the Krkonoše ridge crossing. The blue-marked path will take you to the Polish part of the Giant Mountains.

Martinova Buda (1,255 m above sea level)

An ideal place for lunch or a hot drink to stop and enjoy the views of the surrounding mountains. Martin's hut is one of the oldest huts in the Krkonoše Mountains, founded in 1642. Both Martin's hut itself and especially its surroundings can be seen in several famous Czech films.

An interesting fact!

At the end of the 19th century, J. Buchar built a botanical garden here with Krkonoše flora of up to 10,000 square meters. The garden was restored in 1930, but today it is deserted and inaccessible to the public.

Brádler's Huts (1,060 m above sea level) and Medvědí Buda (1,060 m above sea level)

This section of the route takes you through peaceful forests. Thanks to the richness of the local forests and meadows, Brádler's huts were exhibited here in 1637, making them among the oldest huts in the Krkonoše Mountains.

Davidovy Budy (1,015 m above sea level)
David's sheds are located at the crossroads of several tourist routes and have been a popular stop for tourists since their inception. Even today, it is possible to stop at the shed for something good and find a place to stay the night.
Final descent via Dívčí lávky to Myslivna restaurant and LD Medvědín to the center

The last leg of your journey will lead you back to civilization, where you can end your trip with a comfortable seat in a restaurant or return to the center of Špindlerův Mlýn.

This route is an ideal combination of physical activity and relaxation in the arms of nature. Get ready for unforgettable views, fresh mountain air and a unique feeling of peace that the Giant Mountains can offer you. Don't forget to bring enough water, snacks and suitable clothes. Enjoy the trip!

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