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Architecture Day

Špindlerův Mlýn - Transformations of the city

Spindleruv Mlyn
14:00 - Transformations of the city - guided walk

MEETING: White bridge, Špindlerův Mlýn

Get ready for a guided walk through the city of Špindlerův Mlýn, which will reveal architectural attractions and make you look at the buildings from a different perspective.

  • The walk includes a visit to Interhotel Montana and Hotel Harmony.

Radek Drahný from the KRNAP Administration and Vladimíra Paternová from the NPÚ will guide you through the walk.

Limited capacity of people - you can make a reservation at the link below.

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18:30 - Discussion

WHERE: Špindlerův Mlýn City Library

The following will talk about the processes related to the development of the city, the construction of accommodation facilities and the emergence of new and the demise of the original architecture:

  • Radek Drahný from the KRNAP Administration
  • preservationist Vladimíra Paterová from the NPÚ
  • social geographer Dana Fialová from UK
  • architect Josef Smutný
  • the mayor of Špindlerův Mlýna, Martin Jandura

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