Home / Events / Drakiadá - Fun afternoon with kites


Drakiadá - Fun afternoon with kites

A day of great fun with kites in the clouds

Špindlerův Mlýn - Medvědín


A day of great fun with kites in the clouds, that's the Drakiáda. Flying kites on Medvědín will take place this year for the 12th year. Children can first paint their dragon at the bottom station of the cable car and then take the cable car to Medvědín, where there will be competitions not only in flying kites. The cable car is completely free for children participating in the kite race, and a discounted fare is available for their companions, which is valid on the day of the kite race from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. There is a small reward for each participant in the kite race, so don't hesitate and come and fight!

12:00 - Lower station
  • opening of the 12th year of the Drakiade
  • painting paper kites
13:00 - Medvědín cable car
  • the possibility of taking the cable car to Medvědín
  • space concession fare
  • children under 18 with a kite FREE
  • a one-way ticket for adult participants of the Drakiade is 100 CZK and a two-way ticket is 170 CZK
13:30 - Upper station
  • flying kites
  • roasting and sale of sausages
15:30 - 15:45 - Competition
  • competition for the best flying kite
16:00 - Announcement
  • announcement of the winners of the Drakiade in the competitions:
  • The best flying kite
  • The most beautiful painted dragon
  • The cutest homemade kite
18:00 - End
  • termination of the event
  • termination of cableway operation
Downloadable program and poster

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