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Mining trail in St. Peter's Valley



We present to you the Špindlerův Mlýn Mining Trail, where history meets natural beauty. This route takes you directly to the heart of the valley of St. Petra, where at every step you discover traces of ancient mining, which once flourished here. Let every step along this trail be connected with the discovery of the secrets and charms of the past surrounded by the unique beauty of the Krkonoše nature.

Description of the Route

The mining trail is 1.4 km long and climbs an elevation gain of 100 meters (820 - 920 m above sea level), making it a pleasant walk for all age groups. It starts at the turn of the bus in the valley of Sv. Petra, which is 2.2 km from the center of Špindlerův Mlýn, and leads you through a landscape that is like a living textbook of history. Thanks to information boards, you can learn more about the historical importance of mining in the area, while admiring the ruins of old tunnels and the natural wonders that this trail hides.

This is an ideal route for those who want to start their day in the Krkonoše actively, but at the same time in an undemanding way. The mining trail provides a wonderful opportunity to learn about local history and enjoy the wonderful views that the Giant Mountains have to offer.

Our tips for further trips

If the journey along the Mining Trail inspired you to further explore the surroundings, we have a few tips for routes that will take you to other breathtaking places in the Giant Mountains:

  • Dlouhý Důl - Výrovka - Luční Bouda - Pec pod Sněžkou: An ideal route for lovers of long hikes, it offers wonderful views and hospitable mountain huts along the way.
  • Dlouhý Důl - Výrovka - Chalupa na Rozcestí - Stoh - Špindlerův Mlýn: This route is suitable for tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of the Giant Mountains without too much physical effort, but with unforgettable experiences.

Route map

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