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Mountain hike | Pec pod Sněžkou - Sněžka



Go on a scenic ridge hike that will take you from Peca pod Sněžka to the top of Sněžka. This hiking route offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and is ideal for nature lovers looking for peace and relaxation in the heights of the Giant Mountains. Get ready for the challenge and discover the beauty of the Czech mountains step by step.

Transportation to Peca pod Sněžkou

You can get to Peca pod Sněžkou from Špindlerův Mlýn by bus, cycle bus or car. This transfer takes approximately 1:30 hours.

The start of the hike in the center of Pec pod Sněžkou (768 m above sea level)

From here, your hiking adventure begins, you will go to Růžohorky (1,280 m above sea level) along the green hiking trail. In Růžohorky you will come across the Růžohorky mountain hut, which was built as early as 1903, and to this day the cottage serves as refreshments for tourists heading to Sněžka.

Ascent under the cable car to Růzová hora

You will climb under the cable car from Peca pod Sněžka to Růžová Hora, from where you continue on foot to Sněžka.

Conquering Sněžka (1,603 m above sea level)

The last section leads from Růžová hora to Sněžka, the highest peak in the Czech Republic, where unforgettable panoramic views await you and at the same time you walk through the educational trail - Krkonošská tundra.

Return to Peca pod Sněžkou

After reaching the top, you can return to Peca pod Sněžka by the same route, or choose one of the alternative routes for the descent.

Tip →
We recommend returning by following the blue hiking trail through Obří důl.

Route map

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