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Mountain hike | Horní Mišecky - Pramen Elbe - Vrbatova Bouda



Every visitor to Špindlerův Mlýn must do the ridge hike, which is full of real TOPs of the Krkonoše Mountains, such as Pramen Elbe, Pančavský waterfall or Labská bouda, at least once. On the way to these treasures, there are also several options to help you with altitude meters, so the whole trip is not nearly as demanding as it might seem. Follow in the footsteps of the famous Hanč and Vrbata and discover a magical corner of the Giant Mountains.

From Špindlerův Mlýn:

LD Medvědín: You can start the trip by taking the cable car to Medvědín. From the upper station, you can continue by climbing the red road for 2.9 km to Zlatá návrší or get off at Horní Mísečky (stop opposite Jilemnická bouda), from where the bus will take you to Zlatá návrší.

On foot : If you decide to climb the hill on your own, you have the choice of the red Vodovodní cesta, which is the shortest route to Horní Mísečky and further along the yellow route to Zlaté várší, or around the lower station of LD Medvědín along the blue route through Labský dol to Labská bouda.

By car: The journey by car from Špindlerův Mlýn to Horní Mísečky takes approximately 1:30 hours. It is necessary to leave the car at Horní Mísečky and continue on foot or by bus to Zlatá návrší.

Golden hill - Vrbat's shed

Zlaté várší, on which Vrbat's shed stands, is the peak and at the same time the final stop of the bus. Everyone has to walk from there. Follow the red road to the Pančava waterfall.

Right next to the bus stop, a newly built log house awaits you, which serves as a shelter and IC Krnap. Vrbat's shed can then be a stop to strengthen before the journey. Nearby there is also a monument to Hanč and Vrbata, who died here during a cross-country race in 1913. The day of the tragic race, March 24, is still remembered today as Mountain Service Day.

To Pančavské and Labské waterfall

On the route, you will come across the Pančavský waterfall with its impressive 148 meters and the Labský waterfall, which is also impressive with a height of 35 meters.

A visit to the Spring of the Elbe

After the waterfalls, the route continues to the Elbe Spring, the key point of this hike, where you can see the beginning of one of Europe's most important rivers.

The symbol of the source of the Elbe is a stone circle, next to which a wall was built with the symbols of the cities through which the river flows. The actual place where the river originates is a few meters away on the Labská louka, but it is not accessible to the public due to nature protection.

Return to Horní Misecky

From the Nad Kotelní jámou signpost, head back to Vrbatová bouda, from where the bus will transport you back to the parking lot in Horní Mísečky.

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