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Mountain hike | Špindlerův Mlýn - White Elbe Valley - Sněžka



Ridge hike from Špindlerův Mlýn through the Bílý Labe valley to the highest peak of the Giant Mountains, Sněžka. The path takes you through a mountain valley upstream of the Bílá Labe river, which originates near Luční bouda. During the trip, you will hear and see magical waterfalls, water rapids and cascades, but most importantly, the strength and power of nature, as the river cut into the mountain massif. This full-day trip is a pleasant choice for lovers of mountain hikes in search of natural phenomena.

Start in Špindlerův Mlýn (720 m above sea level)

The starting point of the route is the iconic Bílý most, from where you set off towards the Medvědín cable car.

Via Dívčí lávky (780 m above sea level) to Weber's path

The hike leads through forest paths and overcomes a slight ascent up to the U Bílého Labe hut.

Meadow shed (1,410 m above sea level)

From Luční bouda you can enjoy wonderful views of the surrounding mountains, the Úpská rašeliniste and Sněžka.

Transition to Slezská bouda (1,395 m above sea level)

From Luční bouda, continue over the wooden walkways, you will cross the dry new Úpská raseliniste, to Slezská bouda, where you can stop for a short while and gather strength before the final ascent to Sněžka.

Ascent to Sněžka (1,603 m above sea level) and return

The final ascent to the very highest peak of the Czech Republic, Sněžka. Which way you choose to return is up to you.

We recommend return trips
  • to Špindlerův bouda and the bus
  • through Kozí hřbety and the valley of St. Peter
  • Giant mine, Pec pod Sněžkou and bus
  • cottage Výrovka and Dlouhý důl

Route map

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