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Playful educational trail | Deer adventure for the whole family



Discover the magic of the forest and the life of its inhabitants on a route specially designed for children to get to know the world around them through play and fun.

Our trail offers a unique opportunity for children to become part of forest life. A number of interactive stations are prepared for them, where they can sing, try what it means to "carry deer problems with you", or immerse yourself in the fun tasks that await around every corner. And don't worry, you can reach us with a stroller without any problems.

Who is the trail intended for?

The deer playful educational trail is ideal for families with children who want to spend time actively in nature and learn something new at the same time. The trail is accessible and safe, so it is also suitable for strollers. In short, a perfect trip tip for anyone who loves nature and games.

How do you get to her?

You can find it near the upper station of the Svatý Petr cable car, a few steps behind the Restaurant Na Pláni.

Come and experience an unforgettable adventure on the Jelení playful educational trail, where everyone becomes an explorer. We look forward to seeing you in the magical world of the forest, where learning becomes a game.

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