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Swimming in and around Špindlerův Mlýn



Discover unique places for refreshment during summer days in Špindlerův Mlýn and its surroundings. Although there is no traditional outdoor swimming pool in the city itself, you will find a number of attractive natural swimming pools and swimming pools in its surroundings. From swimming in the Elbe River or the Elbe Dam to idyllic forest swimming pools and family swimming pools, everyone will find their favorite place for summer refreshment.

Swimming pools and swimming pools in the vicinity:

Hostinné swimming pool

The modern swimming pool in Hostinné is not specifically intended for sports swimming, but is a recreational area where the whole family can have fun. A children's, swimming and relaxation pool, wading pool, slides, children's playground, refreshments - here you will find everything you need for real summer fun with the family. Hostinné is 30 km from Špindlerův Mlýn.

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Dolní Kalná swimming pool

The swimming pool in the heart of the forest in the village of Dolní Kalná is 30 km from Špindlerův Mlýn. Dolní Kalná offers a swimming pool that is perfect for anyone looking for peace and escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. The area is divided into zones for swimmers and non-swimmers and provides a safe environment for families with children and a quiet corner for relaxation.

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Sejfy forest swimming pool

This swimming pool, 40 km away, is proud of its location in the middle of the KRNAP protected landscape area near Mladý Buků. It is an ideal place for visitors who want to combine swimming with trips to nature. Surrounded by lush greenery and clean mountain air, Safey offers a refreshing stop during the summer months.

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Košťálov swimming pool

The swimming pool in Košťálov is located on the border between the Giant Mountains and the Bohemian Paradise, which makes it a great destination for lovers of nature and active recreation. In addition to swimming, visitors will find many opportunities for sports, including playgrounds and sports grounds. Košťálov is located 38 km from Špindlerův Mlýn.

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Mříčná swimming pool

In the picturesque village of Mříčná in the Krkonoše Mountains, there is a renovated swimming pool that attracts visitors with its wide range of recreation and sports opportunities. In addition to swimming areas, you will find a sports field, an outdoor gym, a large children's playground and refreshments, which makes it an ideal place for family outings. Mříčná is 28 km from Špindlerův Mlýn.

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