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Cable car to Černá hora


A comfortable cable car will take you directly to the top of Černá hora, where a number of attractions await you. Enjoy an unforgettable view from the modern steel observation tower, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountain landscape.

For adrenaline junkies, there is a climbing wall that provides challenges for both beginners and advanced climbers. Families with children will appreciate the well-equipped children's park, where children can play safely and have fun in the heart of nature. When you get hungry or thirsty, you can use one of the many refreshment options located right on top of the mountain.

Don't forget to also visit the Black Mountain Bog, which is home to many rare plants. This educational trail offers a comprehensive view of the local flora and fauna and is a great way to learn more about the ecosystems that the Giant Mountains protect. Overall, the cable car to Černá Hora is an excellent way to experience the beauty and diversity of the Krkonoše Mountains without much effort.

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