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Cable car to Sněžka


The Sněžka cable car is the most convenient way to reach the top of the highest mountain in the Czech Republic. Within a few minutes, you can reach the top of the mountains from the quiet valley, where a unique view of the Krkonoše Mountains awaits you. When climbing to the top of Sněžka, expect a significant change in temperature and the possibility of a change in the weather.

The lower station of the cable car can be found at the Lesana cottage, via the intermediate station on Růžová hora, the cable car will take you to the top of Sněžka. When buying a ticket, you can decide whether to go only to Růžová hora or all the way to Sněžka. In addition to seasonality, cable car operation also depends on weather conditions and the current weather. When planning a trip, we recommend that you follow the current information about the operation on the cableway website.

The cable car is an ideal choice for families with children, the elderly, or for those who want to save their energy for further exploring the beauty of the mountains. However, do not forget that at the top of Sněžka you are moving in a protected landscape area, so you only need to move in the marked area.

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