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Rope Monkey Park | Adrenaline at heights



Welcome to the exciting world of Monkey Park, the longest rope park in the Giant Mountains. Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping adventure in the heart of nature, where you will move at a height of up to 8 meters above the ground. Surrounded by mature trees and fresh mountain air, Monkey Park offers a unique combination of fun and challenges for all age groups.

Detailed description of activities

For families with children

Monkey Park is an ideal place for families with children who want to spend an active day in nature together. Thanks to the variety of routes, which include obstacles from easy to moderately difficult, everyone will find the right challenge here. Safety comes first, so every participant is equipped with safety equipment and supervised by experienced instructors throughout the adventure.

For adventurers and athletes

For those looking for a real challenge, Monkey Park offers adrenaline-pumping routes up to 8 meters above the ground. Overcoming more complex obstacles such as suspension bridges, nets or tarzans provides not only great physical training, but also a test of mental endurance. These routes are designed to provide the maximum dose of adrenaline while remaining safe thanks to modern safety systems.

Services and Support

A professional team of instructors is available in the Monkey Park area, who are ready to help and advise both beginners and advanced climbers. In addition to briefings and safety equipment, refreshments and rest areas are also available for visitors to relax and watch the adventures of others.

Monkey Park in Špindlerův Mlýn is a great place for anyone looking for a unique experience and wants to test their physical and mental limits in a safe and stimulating environment. Visit us and overcome your fears in the treetops!

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