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Route 2. Mlynář's wheel



If you are looking for inspiration for a walk, follow in the footsteps of the miller, who will guide you through Špindlerův Mlýn in a slightly different way. On the route, you will find Dolský potok, the lower station of the cable car on Plána, and you will pass by the oldest monument of Špindlerův Mlýn - the church of St. Peter. You will have the opportunity to climb to the Bishop's Lookout, from where the path leads, for example, to St.Peter and further to Kozí hřbety and Luční bouda.

Red scarf around with a spin

Get to know the fauna and flora of the Giant Mountains. Do you know what Krkonoše gardens are? And how is Count Harrach, who you may know as a character from the movie Krakonoš and the skiers, related to them? How long does the Peacock-eye Baboon live, or is the Red Squirrel a protected species? You will find the answers to all these questions on Mlynář's wheel.

Don't forget to also stop by the Tourist Information Center, where a refill is prepared to make your trip more varied.

Route suitable for strollers!

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