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Route 3. The miller's hike



Let the miller with the blue scarf accompany you on this trail. Like the other miller's walking circuits, this one also starts in the city park at the statue of the Špindlerův miller. The route measures 3.1 kilometers and is focused on the geological development of the Giant Mountains. You will visit Medvědín on the way along the river Elbe, and by crossing two slopes you will gradually return to the city center.

Blue is good

On the route, you will learn in what period the highest Czech mountains began to emerge, when the biggest changes took place and how well-known monuments, so-called stones, appeared here. Since the great river Elbe originates in the Krkonoše mountains, you will learn the history of damming improvements on its course and also read why dams and dams were built.

The route is not suitable for prams!

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