Home / Events / Wetlands in the Giant Mountains


Wetlands in the Giant Mountains

Walk to restored wetlands

Špindlerův Mlýn - Erlebach's shed


Why are wetlands important in the landscape? And why are the Giant Mountains so valuable?

Set out with the naturalist Václav Jansa on a guided walk around Ptačí kamen to the restored wetlands and discover the beauty of these unique ecosystems.

10:00 - Erlebach's shed - Malý Šišák bus stop
  • Meeting of participants of the walk
  • The number of places is limited
  • You can register by phone: 499 523 687
  • Appropriate footwear is a must
  • From Erlebach's shed around Ptačí kamen to restored wetlands
  • Discover the beauty of these unique ecosystems with naturalist Václav Jansa
  • The event was prepared for you by the Špindlerův Mlýn Municipal Library in cooperation with KRNAP
  • We wish you a nice walk
  • Come fight!
Poster for download

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