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Discover the secret of Čertova Strouha



The Čertova Strouha educational trail takes you to a place where human effort and natural beauty create a harmonious whole. This short but fascinating route of 1.4 km in length and with an elevation gain of 120 meters is divided into 8 stops, each with its own story and lesson about the nature and history of this place.

At the beginning of the 20th century, stonemasons decided to tame the wild water that flowed here and drove the Devil's channel into a carefully paved channel. They used granite for this, a stone that is a symbol of resistance and strength. This action not only protected the surrounding landscape from floods, but also created a unique place where you can learn how the "sucked" forest acts as a natural protection against floods.

How to get there?

The educational trail is best accessed along the blue-marked hiking trail from Špindlerův Mlýn, through the Bílé Labe valley. Although the trail offers wonderful views and close contact with nature, it should be noted that it is not suitable for strollers or people with limited mobility due to its terrain.

This educational trail is the perfect opportunity for anyone who wants to learn more about the importance of nature conservation, the historical processes of man in relation to natural forces and the unique geology of the Krkonoše Mountains. Get ready for a journey where you will discover the secrets of the landscape, understand how important it is to take care of our nature, and at the same time enjoy the beauty that the Giant Mountains have to offer.

Join this unforgettable walk through time and nature and discover for yourself why Čertova Strouha is a place where stories of the past intertwine with nature conservation today.

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