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Labský důl educational trail: Discover the secrets of the glacial valley



This unique route will take you through the Elbe Valley, a masterpiece of nature that is evidence of glacial activity and hides many secrets and lessons.

The Labský důl is an almost perfect example of a glacial valley with characteristic features that reveal the dynamics of nature and its transformations. While walking along this educational trail, you will not only learn about the difference between moraine and moraine – the basic building blocks of glacial valleys, but you will also come across traces of a giant avalanche that swept through the valley in the past.

An interesting point on this route is the so-called cauldron of the Celtic Druids, a mysterious place where, according to legend, the Druids performed their rituals. This corner represents a connection with the ancient history and culture that developed in these parts.

The route is suitable for all age categories and offers not only lessons, but also wonderful views and peaceful moments in the arms of the Krkonoše nature. It is managed by the Krkonoše National Park Administration (KRNAP), which ensures that the trail is safe and at the same time environmentally friendly.

If you go on the Labský důl educational trail, get ready for a journey full of discoveries and experiences that will bring you closer to the beauty and power of natural processes. When visiting, remember to follow the rules of behavior in protected areas to help preserve this unique corner of nature for future generations.

Come and explore with us the secrets of the Elbe mine - a place where nature teaches us and we learn from nature.

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