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Discover the secrets of Špindlerův Mlýn on Miller´s trails



Explore Špindlerův Mlýn a little differently on Mlynářův toulky, off the traditional tourist routes. Nature, picturesque corners and beautiful views of the city and surrounding hills await you.

Miller's Circuits: The Path of Knowledge

Mlynář's circuits will take you to quiet zones of urban nature, far from busy traffic routes. These walks are designed to be accessible to all age groups and offer a comprehensive view of the geological development, flora and fauna of the Krkonoše Mountains. They start in the city park near the statue of the Špindlerův miller, where you can prepare for a journey full of discoveries.

Learn as you walk

Before you set off, don't forget to pick up a map of Mlynář's circuits at the Tourist Information Center, located in the Town Hall building. This map will not only make it easier for you to find your way around, but will also provide interesting information about the places you will visit.

Join the game and discover

The miller's circuits are part of the "Krkonoše Fairy Tales" stamp game, which adds another dimension of fun to your exploration. Collect stamps and deepen your knowledge of the area in a fun way, perfect for families with children.

How to find your way around

Along the way, wooden signs with a depiction of a miller's head, complete with directional arrows, will help you. Distinguishing the individual circuits is simplified using the color marking of the scarf on the signs, so you can fully devote yourself to the beauty of the surroundings without worrying about losing the right direction.

Mlynář's circuits represent not only an opportunity to learn something new about Špindlerův Mlýn and its surroundings, but also a chance to experience unforgettable moments in the arms of Krkonoše nature. Embark with us on a journey full of knowledge, discoveries and natural beauty. Discover the hidden stories of Špindlerův Mlýn and its surroundings and let yourself be absorbed by the magic of this unique place.

Map for download in PDF

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