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The story of Špindler´s parish

A talk about how the book came to be

Špindlerův Mlýn - city library


How is the establishment of the parish related to the change of the name of the village and the first official connection of the left and right banks of the Elbe?

Accept the invitation to dive into the history and present of the Špindlerův parish through the newly created book "Story of the Špindlerův parish". The author herself, together with the dean of the parish, will tell you about the birth of the book, which describes one of the most historically significant buildings in Špindlerův Mlýn.

16:00 - Talk
  • How the book "Příběh špindlerovské fary" came to be.
  • Hosts are an author of the book Hanou Černíkovou and local reverend Jiří Šlégr
Poster for download

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