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Located only 15 km from Špindlerův Mlýn, Vrchlabí is known as the gateway to the Giant Mountains and attracts visitors with its rich history and architectural gems. This picturesque city offers a number of cultural monuments that bear witness to its long and colorful history.

The center of attention is the Vrchlabí castle with the adjacent castle park and the Černín - Morzin chapel, where you can admire the elegant baroque architecture and the soothing green space of the park, ideal for relaxing walks. The castle hosts many cultural and social events, thus becoming not only a historical but also a cultural pearl of the region.

Not far from the castle stands the imposing Augustinian monastery, which in itself represents a wonderful example of monastic architecture and is also the seat of the Krkonoše Museum. A short distance from the monastery, on Náměstí Míru you will find another architectural monument, the church of St. Lawrence. Opposite the church, you can visit the so-called 4 houses, which are an example of the original architecture of the Krkonoše mountains, and today you can find other exhibitions in them as part of the Krkonoše Museum.

For history lovers, there is also the House with 7 Gables, which is one of the architectural icons of the city. There is a museum in the house, which will introduce you to the history of this place, and you can also sit in the cafe of the same name. The Marian Plague Column then stands as a reminder of the difficult times the city experienced.

Vrchlabí is an ideal place for anyone who wants to combine relaxation in beautiful nature with the discovery of rich culture and history. This city offers visitors a varied cultural program, historical monuments and a unique atmosphere that will enchant you and make you come back.

The Regional Tourist Information Center will be happy to give you advice and recommendations from a wide selection of educational trails and interactive tours in Vrchlabí.

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