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Ski Alpine Adventures "Trail from St. Peter"



Discover one of the most interesting ski alpine routes in the Krkonoše Mountains - St. Peter's Trail. This route offers a unique combination of technical challenges and natural beauty that will satisfy and prepare an unforgettable experience for every experienced ski alpinist. The route includes steep ascents, technical descents and scenic sections in close proximity to natural monuments. Explore the St. Peter Valley and its surroundings from a whole new perspective.

Start at St. Peter's

The route starts in the picturesque valley of St. Peter, providing an ideal starting point for your ski mountaineering adventure. Get ready to climb the Stoh piste, where crampons are recommended to handle the steep terrain.

The path along the slopes of Stoh

Followed by a blue tourist sign leading "Cestou úbočím Stoh". This section is known for its technical difficulty, requiring increased attention and caution. It is an ideal place to test your abilities and skills in challenging terrain.

Wedge Sheds

After conquering the treacherous section of the "Klínové cesty" the route opens up into milder terrain towards the Klínové boudas. This section offers an opportunity to rest and have refreshments before the next part of your journey.

Cottage at Rozcestí and cottage Výrovka

The next stage will take you along the green sign to the mountain "Chalupa na rozcestí" and then the red sign to the Výrovka cottage. Here you can see breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside, which are a reward for the previous efforts.

Return through the Long Mine

From the Výrovka cottage, the route continues with a green sign in the direction of Dlouhý důl, which is a pleasant and less demanding part of the route that will take you back to the valley of St. Peter. This section is a great opportunity to relax and enjoy the last moments on the route.

Route map

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