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Sněžka: Hike to the highest mountain in the Czech Republic



Sněžka, with a height of 1,603 meters above sea level, is not only the highest mountain in the Czech Republic, but also an important symbol of the Giant Mountains. Its unique peak, which takes the shape of a stone pyramid thanks to glacial erosion, attracts nature lovers and tourists looking for unforgettable views of the Czech and Polish territories. At the top of Sněžka, you can enjoy not only panoramic views, but also visit the circular chapel of St. Lawrence, which has been here since 1665, a Polish shed with a weather station from 1976, and the new Czech post office, built between 2005 and 2006.


Sněžka can be reached on foot from Špindlerův Mlýn by several routes. You can choose a route:

  • following the red marker through Kozí hřbety (10.5 km),
  • following the green sign through Dlouhý dol and through Luční bouda (12 km),
  • following the blue marker through the Bílé Labe valley (13 km).
By bus to Špindlerův bouda

Another option is to use bus transport to Špindlerův bouda and from there continue on foot following the red sign (9.5 km).

Cable car from Peca pod Sněžkou

For those who prefer a more comfortable journey, it is possible to use the cable car from Peca pod Sněžkou. From Špindlerův Mlýn, Pec pod Sněžkou is accessible by car or bus, the journey is approximately 47 km long.

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