Home / Events / Špindler´s cycle challenge

01.07.2024 - 30.09.2024

Špindler´s cycle challenge

Step up and win!

Špindlerův Mlýn - Giant Mountains


Are you a cycling enthusiast? And do you like challenges?

As in previous years, you can take part in the Špindlerův cycle challenge. You can choose from a wide range of routes. You can choose to ride one hill or all the hills at once. You can participate in the competition for valuable prizes by cycling up the hill, taking a picture and sending the photo with contact details to info@touristboard.cz and putting "Cycling Invitation 2024" in the subject of the e-mail. Placing and tagging the photo on social networks is a condition of the competition. Each contestant can enter the draw only once. We are playing for valuable prizes, so don't hesitate and go!

Špindlerův cycle challenge
  • The cycle challenge is a competition for all enthusiastic cyclists
Step out
  • Climb one of the four peaks above Špindlerův Mlýn
  • Špindlerovka - Medvědín - Pláň - Zlaté várší
Take a picture
  • share a photo with a tag
  • #spindlerovskacyklovyzva and @mestospindleruvmlyn
They left
  • Send a photo together with contact details (name, e-mail, phone number) to info@touristboard.cz
  • In the subject of the message, put "Cyclýzvá 2024"
  • You can look forward to a raffle for lots of great prizes
Poster for download

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