Home / Events / Špindler´s Funfair

28. - 30. 6. 2024

Špindler´s Funfair

We invite you to the 31st Špindler´s Funfair – a weekend full of traditional fair fun!

Center of city


Get ready for an unforgettable weekend full of fun and traditional charm in the heart of the Giant Mountains! Špindlerův Mlýn is pleased to invite you to the 31st year of the popular Špindlerův Pilgrimage, which takes place on June 28-30, 2024. Experience with us three days filled with joy, laughter and a great atmosphere that will bring the magical world of carousels and pilgrimages to life right here, in your arms Krkonoše.

A varied program for the whole family awaits you from Friday to Sunday. Enjoy traditional craft markets, tastings of local specialties and an abundance of attractions that will light up the eyes of your children and you. A rich cultural program full of music and dance will be an integral part of the pilgrimage. You can look forward to the performances of your favorite artists, which will lift your spirits and transport you to a world of endless entertainment.

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