Home / Events / Špindlerovské sejkory (Traditional Food Festival)


Špindlerovské sejkory (Traditional Food Festival)

A taste of Krkonoše tradition

Špindlerův Mlýn - city park


Reminisce about the traditional taste of the Krkonoše Mountains and come to Špindlerův Mlýn! Take part in our unique gourmet competition for the best Krkonoše seikora. Local citizens and visitors will be able to taste and vote in the competition for the best sejkor, thus deciding on the winner. A rich program will accompany you throughout the day, which includes not only a gourmet competition, but also a musical afternoon and a ceremonial announcement of the winner.

14:00 - Start
  • Foreword
  • Acquaintance with the rules of the competition
  • Introduction of participants
  • It is possible to purchase consumption tickets throughout the duration of the event
14:15 – 18:00 - Gourmet competition for the best Krkonoše seikora
  • Taste and vote!
  • Local citizens and visitors decide the winner
  • Competitors: Representatives of leading gastro establishments and local associations from Špindlerův Mlýn
15:00 and 17:00 - Musical afternoon
  • Duo Filip & Nikita - Acoustic duo, guitar and vocals (cover music)
18:00 - End of the gourmet contest
18:15 - Announcement of the winner
  • Presentation of the prize to the winner from the hands of Krakonoš and the mayor of the city
Download poster and program

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