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A short trip to the Labská dam



If you long for fresh air and the beauty of nature, but are not a fan of long hikes, we have a great tip for you. We invite you to a pleasant walk from Špindlerův Mlýn to the Elbe Dam, which is an ideal choice for short trips. The 6.5 km long route will offer you not only breathtaking views, but also the opportunity to discover the beauty of Špindlerův Mlýn and its surroundings without the need for an all-day trip. Expect a time requirement of approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Start from the center of Špindlerův Mlýn (Bílý most)

The starting point of your expedition, from where you will head towards the Svatý Petr valley.

The direction of the St. Peter valley

This part of the route will take you through the beautiful forests and nature of the Krkonoše Mountains.

Restaurant Česká hospoda

An opportunity for a short stop and the opportunity to taste local specialties. This part of the route will take you through the beautiful forests and nature of the Giant Mountains.

To the right to Tabulovy bouda (750 m above sea level) / Hotel Alpina

This section offers beautiful views and is an ideal place for photography.

Along the Elbe Dam (700 m above sea level)

One of the peaks of the route, where you can see wonderful views of the dam and the surrounding nature.

We cross the embankment and the road

After crossing the dam and a short section leading across the road, you will reach the tourist junction above the Pinia hotel (780 m above sea level).

On the right, the belfry and Krakonoš's grate

A popular place for relaxation and picnics in the heart of nature.

Return to the main access road and parking lot P1 / P2 / Špindlerův Mlýn center:

The final part of the route will take you back to the center of Špindlerův Mlýn, where you can end your trip.

Route map

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