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Walking and bus route Špindlerův Mlýn, Špindlerův bouda and Moravská



Join in discovering the beauty of the Krkonoše Mountains on a walking route with the option of using bus transport. This route connects Špindlerův Mlýn, Špindlerův bouda and Moravská bouda and offers unforgettable views of the surrounding mountains and nature. Ideal for tourists who want to combine the comfort of a bus with the magic of hiking along marked paths.

Start in Špindlerův Mlýn

Regular year-round bus service will take you on a scenic drive, 10 km along the mountain road, to the Krkonoše ridges to Špindlerův Bouda.

Transition to Petrová Bouda (1,275 m above sea level)

After getting off the bus, look at the tourist signpost and walk along the paved road to Peter's hut. You will sweat a little on the way, there is a long climb ahead of you, but after overcoming it, you can take advantage of the hospitality of the local cozy house.

Road to Moravská Bouda (1,225 m above sea level)
After enjoying the views of the region, follow the green tourist sign for less than 0.5 km to Moravská and Dvořák's hut. The local builders also think of your children, and you will discover a warm environment here, whether indoors or outdoors. We recommend not leaving without tasting the local Krkonoše cuisine and beer!
If you look carefully, you will meet Krakonoše, Trautumberk and other characters from Krkonoše fairy tales here.
via the signpost under Peter's shed

You will say goodbye to Moravská bouda and through the Animal Educational Trail, where you will learn a lot of interesting things such as...Where did the magpie get its bad reputation?, you will step on the sign below Peter's bouda back to the bus.

Return to Špindlerův Bouda (1,197 m above sea level)

From the signpost, you just go down the hill to Špindlerův Bouda, get on the bus and head into the city.


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