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State medical spa


The Janské Lázně State Medical Spa is one of the leading Czech spa facilities specializing in complex medical procedures. This spa is renowned for its successful treatment program targeting a wide range of ailments. In the local spa complex, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are effectively treated, which includes various types of orthopedic problems and complications after injuries or operations. In addition, they specialize in the treatment of nervous disorders, including cerebral palsy, which makes the spa an ideal place for rehabilitation even for the youngest patients.

Janské Lázně is also sought after for the treatment of chronic diseases of the respiratory system and metabolic disorders, including diseases of the endocrine glands. They also have experience here with the subsequent rehabilitation of patients who have undergone demanding treatment for oncological diseases, offering supportive therapies aimed at restoring physical and psychological well-being.

The spa facility in Janské Lázně stands out not only for its top-quality treatment programs, but also for its beautiful surroundings and modern facilities that complement the overall atmosphere of calm and regeneration. Everything is set in the picturesque environment of the Krkonoše Mountains, which in itself contributes to the feeling of relaxation and rest. Janské Lázně therefore offers an ideal combination of professional care and a natural healing environment, which makes it the perfect place for the recovery of body and spirit.

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