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Path through the treetops



The treetop trail in the Giant Mountains offers a unique opportunity to explore this beautiful natural area from a completely new perspective. At 2,180 meters long in its entire length, this trail takes visitors from the earth's surface to the very crowns of the trees, providing not only a detailed view of the local flora and fauna, but also breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

Along the way, you will come across a number of information boards that will introduce you to specific species of animals and plants typical of the Krkonoše forests, some of which are endemic and cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The ultimate experience is the ascent to the 45-meter-high observation tower, from where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the vast Krkonoše forests and mountain peaks.

The path through the crowns of trees is accessible to all age categories and is fully barrier-free, which makes it possible to visit it even with a stroller or for people with limited mobility. This attraction is ideal for families with children, groups of friends, or anyone looking for peace and relaxation in the arms of nature. Visit this unusual trail and let yourself be carried away by the beauty of Krkonoše nature from a bird's eye view.


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