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Racing circuits of Horní Mísečky



The racing circuits of Horní Mísečky represent the ultimate experience for all lovers of cross-country skiing. In this exclusive area, you can look forward to perfectly groomed and prepared tracks that meet the parameters of the World Cup, for classic skiing and ice skating. With various track lengths - 1.5 km, 2 km, 3 km, 5 km, 7.5 km and 10 km - both beginners and professional athletes will find their paradise here. For the maximum comfort of visitors, changing rooms and social facilities with the possibility of refreshments are set up in the area of the running area.

We recommend Horní Mísečky as an ideal place for everyone who is looking for high-quality cross-country trails and at the same time wants to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the mountainous parts of the Krkonoše nature.

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