Home / Events / Green Špindl

17. - 19.5.2024

Green Špindl

Help protect Krkonoše nature! Refreshments and a free cable car await the participants.

The lower station of the Medvědín cable car

Join us for the GREEN SPINDLE, a big spring cleaning of the Krkonoše nature, which will take place from 17 to 19 May 2024. This volunteer eco-event is a chance for everyone who loves the Krkonoše and wants to help restore this magical landscape to its purity and beauty after long winter. Together, we will try to clean as much of Špindlerův Mlýn and its surroundings as possible.

A program full of activities awaits you on Friday, May 17, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We will start at the lower station of the Medvědín cable car, where you can participate in a workshop on "How to properly sort waste". We will then set out for cleaning along pre-marked routes. Not only will you contribute to nature conservation, but as a thank you you will receive refreshments and the opportunity to use the cable car to Medvědín for free.

During the weekend of May 18-19, the clean-up routes will be open, where you can go for waste collection tools, which will be available free of charge at hotels and at the Medvědín info center.

Join us in the effort to preserve the beauty of our nature and show that you are not indifferent to the fate of our mountains. We look forward to your participation in the GREEN SPINDLE!

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