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ZOO and Safari Park Dvůr Králové nad Labem



ZOO and Safari Park Dvůr Králové nad Labem offers a unique experience not only for families with children, but for everyone who likes animals and nature. This park is famous for its extensive lion safari, which is the only one of its kind in Central Europe. Here you have the opportunity to see lions and other large beasts in conditions close to their natural habitat. The Safari Park is also a world leader in breeding critically endangered animals and returning them to the wild.

A visit to this safari park and zoo is not only exciting, but also educational, providing a deeper insight into the lives of animals and the importance of protecting their natural habitats. The park is a great place for photographers, naturalists and anyone who wants to spend a day surrounded by fascinating wildlife. And did you know that safaris are among the cultural monuments of the Czech Republic.

In addition to the lion safari, the park also offers the opportunity to explore the large tropical pavilions where you can enjoy Bird World and Water World. In these pavilions you will come across various exotic species of birds and aquatic inhabitants from all over the world. There are also pavilions for chimpanzees, various species of beasts, elephants and many other African animals, which are presented in very realistic displays.

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