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Rautis - pearl ornaments from Poniklá



Poniklá is the only place in the world where the traditional pearl craft has been preserved. The method of blowing beads and making ornaments has not changed much since the beginning. During the visit, you can see the entire production process - blowing glass tubes, silvering, dyeing and cutting pearls, which ends with the actual assembly of the ornaments. The ornaments are still made by hand to this day, and during the excursion you will discover that each bead passes through at least six hands before the ornament takes its final shape.

At the Rautis site in the town of Poniklá, on the excursion you will not only learn about the entire production of unique Christmas decorations, but at the end you will be able to try making them yourself. In the area you will also find a shop with refreshments and a children's playground.

The number of places on the excursions is limited, so if you are planning a visit, it is better to reserve a place on the excursion in advance.

Come and let yourself be blown away by this traditional handcraft, which is on the list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO.

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