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Mountain hike | Špindlerův Mlýn - Dlouhý důl - Sněžka



Go on a one-day ridge hike from Špindlerův Mlýn to Sněžka, experience a wonderful day in the heart of the Giant Mountains. This 11 km route leads through a number of interesting natural phenomena, where you can admire diverse natural scenery and views. From the valley of St. Peter through majestic viewpoints to the highest peak of the Czech Republic, Sněžka.

start Tourist information center - signpost Biskupská vyhlídka

From the Tourist Information Center, follow the red tourist sign and climb up to the signpost at Biskupská vyhlídka, where you will cross the green tourist sign in the direction of Dlouhý důl.

the crossing of the Svatý Petr valley and into Dlouhé dol

The green route will take you through the entire Svatý Petr valley and the forest path continues past the Červink mound to the Výrovka hut (1,357 m above sea level) , where you can take a short break.

visit to the Memorial to the Victims of the Mountains (1,509 m above sea level)

The so-called "chapel", provides a place for rest and reflection with a view of the surrounding mountains.

from Luční bouda (1,410 m above sea level) through the Úpská raseliniste
A small stop at Luční bouda, a visit to the local mountain bakery, and you continue along the wooden walkway through the Úpská rašeliniste, a nature peak reserve.
The Úpsk bogs are a reminder of the subarctic tundra that intervened here during the Ice Age. Many species of flora and fauna from the Ice Age have been preserved here in the harsh climate. The bog is overgrown with islets of bogs with a variety of peat ponds and ridges.
reach the top of Sněžka (1,603 m above sea level) and return

The peak part of the journey takes you to Sněžka, from where you can return via the same or a different route of your choice.

We recommend return trips
  • via Špindlerův bouda and by bus
  • through Kozí hřbety and the valley of St. Peter
  • across the Bílá Elbe valley
  • via Obrí důl and by bus

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