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Mountain hike | Špindlerův Mlýn - Horní Mísečky - Žalý and back



A one-day ridge hike from Špindlerův Mlýn via Horní Mísečky to the Žalý lookout and back. This more demanding, 24 km long route will take you through the idyllic forest paths of the Žalský hřbet, cliffs with breathtaking views and picturesque mountain saddles.

Start: Tourist Information Center Špindlerův Mlýn

Go from the city center, Bílý most, from the tourist signpost following the red tourist sign in the direction of Horní Mísečky, starting point - Stopa buffet.

Harrach Rock (1,035 m above sea level), lookout point

From the cross-country skiing area, the Stopa buffet, you climb to Harrach's rock. The viewpoint on the Harrach Rock offers a breathtaking view of the town of Špindlerův Mlýn and the surrounding ridges.

Ascent to Černá skála (1039m above sea level) and Šeřín

From Harrachova skála, continue along the red road (Bucharova cesta) to Černá skála (1039m above sea level), the highest point of the route, and further to Šeřín peak (1027m above sea level).

Žalý lookout tower

After descending from Šeřín, continue through the Rovinka intersection and continue along the red road to the Žalý Lookout. This 18m high stone lookout tower stands on top of Přední Žalé (1019m above sea level) and offers breathtaking views of the Krkonoše and Podkrkonoše mountains. It is one of the most beautiful lookouts in the Czech Republic. You can have refreshments and rest before returning directly under the observation tower in Horská bouda Žalý.

Return to Špindlerův Mlýn

From the lookout point at the Rovinka fork, return the same way (follow the red line). From Rovinek, continue along the green hiking trail through the Labská valley to the center of Špindlerův Mlýn, where your tour ends.

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