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Mountain hike | Upper Misečky - Source of the Elbe



A pleasant hike on the tops of the mountains, which connects one of the TOP destinations of the entire Krkonoše Mountains. In one trip, the route will offer you the beautiful Krkonoše nature, breathtaking views, a whiff of history and the opportunity to sit on one of the mountain huts.

Horní Mísečky and Jilemnická bouda

You can go from Horní Míseček to Zlaté núvrší on foot or take a summer tourist bus.

On foot:

The yellow path, less than 3 km long, will take you under the former Jestřábí huts.

Follow the red Buchar road to Medvědín and continue along the red road through Šmíd's viewpoint to Zlaté Návrší (5 km).

Following the green Krakonoš road to Dvoračky - red to the U Růženčina zahrádky signpost - green around the Harrach stones to Zlatá várší (8km).

By bus:

From the Vítkovice "Horní Mísečky" stop opposite Jilemnická bouda, the bus will take you to Zlatá nvrší.

Vrbat's shed and Golden Hill

The route leads through Zlaté várší along the red road towards Labská bouda. Along the way, you'll also come across a few pine trees. Vrbatova bouda stands almost at the bus stop, where you can stop and refresh yourself. Nearby you will also find a monument to Hanč and Vrbata, who died here in 1913 during a cross-country race.

Transition to the Pančavské and Labské waterfalls.

On the way to the Labská bouda, you will first reach the Pančava waterfall, which with its height of 148 m is one of the highest waterfalls in the Czech Republic. Below the Labská bouda, it is then possible to visit the second 35 m high Labská waterfall.

Finish at Pramene Elbe (1,382 m above sea level)

Only 950 m from the Labská bouda lies the symbolic point Pramene Elbe, a stone circle with the signs of the cities through which the river flows. You have reached the destination of this hike and you can choose the return route from several hiking routes.

Route map

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