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Mountain hike | Špindlerův Mlýn - Medvědín - Pramen Elbe - Elbe mine



A trip with which you will walk along the ridges of the mountains, visit some of the most famous places of the Krkonoše Mountains and end it with a pleasant walk along the meandering Elbe. On the 17.5 km long route you will circle our highest waterfall, see it from above just before it falls into the valley and then from the other side along its entire length, which makes it one of the BEST in the Czech Republic. Enjoy the Krkonoše Mountains as if in the palm of your hand from many vantage points, refresh yourself at one of the mountain huts and let yourself be carried away by the beauty of nature.

Start in the center of Špindlerův Mlýn (720 m above sea level)

Head from the picturesque city center towards the Medvědín cable car.

Cableway to Medvědín (1,235 m above sea level)

Use the cable car for easy access to Medvědín, from the upper station take the red path through Šmíd's viewpoint towards Zlaté návrší.

You can also get off at Horní Mísečky (stop opposite Jilemnická bouda), from where a bus goes to Zlaté návrší in the summer.

Along the Masaryk road to Vrbatova bouda (1,413 m above sea level)

Follow the Masaryk road (red marked route) and enjoy the Krkonoše panoramas on the way to the historic Vrbat hut on Zlaté núvrší.

To Prameni Elbe via the Elbe shed

From Vrbatova bouda, continue to the Pančava waterfall, through the Labská bouda to Prameni Labe.

The Pančava waterfall is the highest waterfall in the Czech Republic. You will come across it on the way from Zlaté várší to Labská bouda. Along the way, you will also meet a few well-preserved pine trees that were part of a light fortification. which was supposed to stretch across the entire Giant Mountains. Work on the construction of this defensive line began in 1936, some parts reached the stage of combat capability, but due to the Munich Agreement, they were never used.

Elbe shed

In 1830, a small shed stood on the site of today's Labská bouda, where goat cheese, milk and brandy were sold. Later, a shed was built offering accommodation to tourists. It has become very popular over the years. Even Count Harrach himself invested in the shed and significantly expanded it. After a fire in 1965, the construction of a new shed began four years later. The architect Zdeněk Říhák conceived the building in a modern way, and a nine-story reinforced concrete building was built on the site, the form of which we know from today.

Through the Elbe mine back to Špindlerův Mlýn

Descend along the blue-marked tourist path through Labský dol, pass by the lower station of the Medvědín cable car and return to the city center.

3.5 km long descent through the Labský dol along a narrow stony path, where you will get a view from the other side of the Pančavský waterfall in its entire length. From the stony road, you will connect to the asphalt road, and for the rest of the way, you will have a walk along the Elbe river in an undemanding terrain.

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